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Gift Cards

Everybody loves gifts, especially women=) And it doesn't matter if you make a gift or receive it - gifts always bring joy if they are chosen with love and attention. At VOVK we provide you with a lot of opportunities to choose gifts for yourself, your loved ones, girlfriends or colleagues. We create beautiful clothes which makes any lady feel special. However, it is not always possible to guess the right size or appropriate style if you choose a gift not for yourself. We have anticipated such an opportunity and decided to provide you with even more options to make a gift from VOVK. 


You can never go wrong with VOVK gift card as a present.

Now you have the opportunity to purchase gift cards from 100 to 2000 UAH for shopping in VOVK Clothing Studios, as well as in our online store.

This will be a great opportunity for you to please your dearest person by purchasing a gift certificate.

Make her dreams come true with VOVK.

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